What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? 5 answers asked in Medium Riddles by anonymous This old one runs forever, but never moves at all. What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? Answer: river #Cool #Hard #Long #Teens. Riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps? Lets tell the the answer of this riddle. When asked about the riddle, you may not have thought of this answer, since the river has been given many human features. See whole riddle with answer. Riddle: Always runs, but never walks.continued on Solve or Die. Selected riddles all Difficulty for adults. What always runs, but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed, but never sleeps, has a mouth, but never eats? Show me the answer.

Riddle: What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?

Lets tell the the answer of this riddle. When asked about the riddle, you may not have thought of this answer, since the river has been given many human features. Large streams that flow into bodies of water such as seas and lakes are called rivers.

First, the flowing movement of the river can also be called running movement.

Second, the place where a river meets the body of water where the river flows is called the mouth of the river. Third, the source of a river is called a river head. Finally, the bed or channel in which a river flows is called riverbed.

Runs But Never Walks Riddle Answer

Answer: A river.

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The Nature of the Humble Riddle

It was a challengingly, frosty morning in the Nepal Himalaya. One of those mornings on the trail where you’re simply focusing on putting onefoot in front of the other and using every last ounce of your strength to staywarm. The usual breathtaking scenery offered no solace, courtesy of the low-hangingfog, and the melodic sounds of high altitude were replaced by boots slushing throughthick, heavy snow. The next rest stop seemed uncharacteristically far away; nobodywas in the mood for talking and the thought of a warm dry fireplace refused tobudge from your mind. In the distance, a shadowy figure began to appear. AsI approached, it materialized into the form of one of my companions. Seeing thattrodden look in my eyes, he sensed that I must have needed to take my mind offthe drudgery.

“What goes up and never comes down?” He smiled.

I stopped, paused, and then looked at him blankly.

“What goes up and never comes down?” He repeated, before explaining simply, “it’s ariddle.”

He patted me on the back, and sent me forwards intothe fog. Suddenly, I couldn’t hear the rhythmic sound of boots anymore, thecold chill of the Himalayan wind had seemingly evaporated. My focus had turnedto one simple question.

“What goes up and never comes down?”

And thus is the power of the humble riddle; the ability todrive humankind to solve the unknown, to scope places that were previouslyunexplored, to draw the mind into another place of existence. Riddles form animportant element of the outdoor experience, so in honor of this fact, here area few noodle-scratchers that work just as well on that chilly, early-morninghike as they do whilst relaxing in front of the roasting camp fire (answers below).


  1. What has cities, but no people, has forests, butno trees, and seas, but no fish?

  2. What always runs, but never walks, often murmursbut never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but doesn’t eat?

  3. A precious stone, clear as a diamond, seek itout when the sun’s near the horizon. You can walk on water due to it’s power,try to keep it, it’ll be gone in an hour.

  4. Feed me and I get stronger, but give a me a drink and I’ll die. What am I?

  5. Two puppies were born to the same mother, on thesame day, at the same time, in the same month and year, but they were nottwins. How could this be so?

  6. I touch your face, I’m in your words, I’m a lackof space and beloved by birds. What am I?

  7. I can only live where there is light, but iflight shines upon me, I will die. What am I?

  8. What occurs once in every minute, twice in everymoment, yet never in a thousand years?

  9. A person was 15 years old in 1990, but in 1995he was 10 years old. How?

  10. What is black when you find it, red when you useit, and grey when it’s thrown away


  1. A Map

  2. A River

  3. Ice

  4. A fire

  5. They had another sibling born at the same time,they were triplets (or quadruplets, poor mum) .

  6. Air

  7. A Shadow

  8. The letter M

  9. The person was born in 2005 BC, therefore he was10 years old in 1995 BC and 15 in 1990 BC.

  10. Coal (Remember to dispose of it sustainably,though)

Runs But Never Walks Riddle Answered

And as for “what goes up and never comes down?” – weekslater, on a warm summer night at home in South Australia, as far from the snowypeaks of the Himalayas as one could get, I woke with beads of sweat drippingfrom my forehead and shouted “My age!” With the anguish finally over, I fellcalmly back to sleep, with only pleasant memories of the Himalayan trek. The reminders of the painful, repetitive mornings were no more - allthanks to one simple riddle.

We want to acknowledge and thank the past, present, and future generations of all Native Nations and Indigenous Peoples whose ancestral lands we travel, explore, and play on. Always practice Leave No Trace ethics on your adventures and follow local regulations. Please explore responsibly!

I Always Run But Never Walk Riddle

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What Runs But Never Walks Riddle Answer

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