To return to the standard alpha keyboard, touch the ABC key. To access accented and other special characters, long-press a key on the main, alphabetic keyboard. For certain keys, such as the A key, a palette of similar characters appears. Tap one of the characters to insert it into your text. If you're working on a laptop without a separate numeric keyboard, you can add most accented characters using the Insert Symbol More Symbols command in Word. For more info, see Insert a symbol in Word. If you plan to type in other languages often you should consider switching your keyboard layout to that language.

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  3. Vietnamese Accent Marks On Keyboard Symbols

How do I modify the keyboard so that I can get an accent on vowels by hitting alt-a, alt-e, alt-i, etc.? The keyboard modifier only seems to go as far as actions, rather than reassigning characters. The help menu, when I ask about accents, seems to want me to stop mid-word, go to insert, and then thumb through a list of special characters. Since I use accents frequently in writing fiction, and fiction-writing does not flow well if you keep having to stop mid-word, this does not look to me like a solution. Archaic programs of various brands used to make it easy to modify keyboards to include frequently used characters (I also use n with ~ on top of it, too) but they don't run well on modern computers.

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Vietnamese Accent Marks On Keyboard


Alternately, is there some other way to get accent marks quickly without interrupting the flow of writing? Like maybe some way of making the ` land on top of the a and the ~ land on top of the n?

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Telex (Vietnamese: Quốc ngữ điện tín, lit.'national language telex'), is a convention for encoding Vietnamese text in plain ASCII characters. Originally used for transmitting Vietnamese text over telex systems, it is now a popular input method for computers.


The Telex input method is based on a set of rules for transmitting accented Vietnamese text over telex (máy điện tín) first used in Vietnam during the 1920s and 1930s. Telex services at the time ran over infrastructure that was designed overseas to handle only a basic Latin alphabet, so a message reading 'vỡ đê' ('the dam broke') could easily be misinterpreted as 'vợ đẻ' ('the wife is giving birth'). Nguyễn Văn Vĩnh, a prominent journalist and translator, is credited with devising the original set of rules for telex systems.[1]

In later decades, common computer systems came with largely the same limitations as the telex infrastructure, namely inadequate support for the large number of characters in Vietnamese. Mnemonics like Telex and Vietnamese Quoted-Readable (VIQR) were adapted for these systems. As a variable-width character encoding, Telex represents a single Vietnamese character as one, two, or three ASCII characters. By contrast, a byte-orientedcode page like VISCII takes up only one byte per Vietnamese character but requires specialized software or hardware for input.

In the 1980s and 1990s, Telex was adopted as a way to type Vietnamese on standard English keyboards. Specialized software converted Telex keystrokes to either precomposed or decomposed Unicode text as the user typed. VietStar was the first such software package to support this entry mode. The Bked editor by Quách Tuấn Ngọc extended Telex with commands such as z, [ for 'ư', and ] for 'ơ'.[citation needed] It was further popularized with the input method editors VietKey, Vietres, and VPSKeys. In 1993, the use of Telex as an input method was standardized in Vietnam as part of TCVN 5712.

In the 2000s, Unicode largely supplanted language-specific encodings on modern computer systems and the Internet, limiting Telex's use in text storage and transmission. However, it remains the default input method for many input method editors, with VIQR and VNI offered as alternatives. It also continues to supplement international Morse Code in Vietnamese telegraph transmissions.[2]

Starting with Windows 10 version 1903, Telex, along with the VNI input method, are now natively supported.[3]


Because the Vietnamese alphabet uses a complex system of diacritical marks, Telex requires the user to type in a base letter, followed by one or two characters that represent the diacritical marks:

Non-tonal diacritics
CharacterKeys pressedSample inputSample output
ưuw or wtuw or tw

To write the pair of keys as two distinct characters, the second character has to be repeated. For example, the Vietnamese word cải xoong must be entered as cari xooong rather than cari xoong (*cải xông).

Tone markings
ToneKeys added to syllableSample inputSample output
Ngang (level)z or nothingngangngang
Huyền (falling)fhuyeenfhuyền
Sắc (rising)ssawcssắc
Hỏi (dipping-rising)rhoirhỏi
Ngã (rising glottalized)xngaxngã
Nặng (falling glottalized)jnawngjnặng

If more than one tone marking key is pressed, the last one will be used. For example, typing asz will return 'a'. (Thus z can also be used to delete diacritics when using an input method editor.) To write a tone marking key as a normal character, one has to press it twice: her becomes hẻ, while herr becomes her.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Vietnamese Accent Marks On Keyboard

See Full List On

  • Guide to inputting Vietnamese text at the Vietnamese Wikipedia
  • Learn To Type Vietnamese at YourVietnamese



  1. ^Thu Hà (2010-09-12). 'Nhớ 'người Nam mới' đầu tiên' [Remembering the first 'new Southerner']. Tuổi Trẻ (in Vietnamese). Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. Retrieved 2009-09-17.
  2. ^'Morse Code'. Alberquerque, New Mexico: Our Lady of La Vang Eucharistic Youth Society. 2011. Archived from the original on October 22, 2014. Retrieved October 12, 2014.
  3. ^'Hãy thử gõ tiếng Việt với bộ gõ Telex và Number-key based mới nào!'. 2018-10-25.

Vietnamese Accent Marks On Keyboard Symbols

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