To install the Visual Studio Community 2013, you need to use the following procedure to complete the installation. I'm using Windows 8 for the installation, but it holds true for the operating systems mentioned in the prerequisites. Click on the following URL Visual Studio Community 2013 and you will be shown the following screen.
-->Community | degli sviluppatori Requisiti | di sistema Compatibilità | con Codice distribuibileDeveloper Community | System Requirements | Compatibility | Distributable Code
|Condizioni | di licenza Blog | di Problemi noti| License Terms | Blogs | Known Issues
Questa non è la versione più recente di Visual Studio.This is not the latest version of Visual Studio.Per scaricare la versione più recente, vedere le note sulla versione corrente per Visual Studio 2019.To download the latest release, please visit the current release notes for Visual Studio 2019.
Per scaricare Visual Studio Community 2013, fare clic sul pulsante download.To download Visual Studio Community 2013, click on the download button.I file vengono scaricati dal sito basato sulla sottoscrizione gratuito per dev Essentials.The files are downloaded from our free Dev Essentials subscription-based site.Per informazioni sul programma e sui servizi completi per sviluppatori gratuiti, vedere la pagina dev Essentials .Please see the Dev Essentials page for information on our free comprehensive developer program and services.
rilasciata il 12 novembre 2014released on November 12, 2014
Guarda il video di Visual Studio Community 2013 per scoprire tutte le informazioni che puoi fare con questa versione:Watch the Visual Studio Community 2013 video to learn all about what you can do with this release:
Sono disponibili diversi altri prodotti Visual Studio 2013 per il download con l'aggiornamento 4, inclusi i seguenti:Several other Visual Studio 2013 products are available for download with Update 4, including the following:
Per ottenere altre informazioni su queste versioni, vedere le Note sulla versione per Visual Studio 2013 Update 4.To get more details on these releases, go to the release notes for Visual Studio 2013 Update 4.
È possibile visualizzare tutte le versioni di Visual Studio 2013 Note sulla versione:You can view all versions of Visual Studio 2013 release notes:
Shared free of charge with our community of freelance developers, startups, students and non-profits, Delphi Community Edition is a full featured IDE for building iOS, Android, Windows and macOS apps from a single Delphi codebase (limited commercial use license). Delphi Community Edition includes a code editor, powerful debugging tools, built-in access to popular local databases with live data at design time, Bluetooth and IoT capabilities and a visual UI designer with support for pixel perfect, platform specific styling.
The best part? When your application or business takes off, you don’t have to learn new tools or port code from various toolsets. Start working right away with your existing codebase in any of our paid editions while gaining access to additional capabilities.
Individual Delphi developers, hobbyists, and students who are learning new programming languages, starting to develop cross-platform apps, maintaining open source Delphi projects, or learning the Delphi IDE, who are making less than $5000 in revenue and want to get started with professional-level developer tools.
It’s also perfect for early stage startups who are bootstrapping their product vision before securing capital! Develop your professional app with the Community Edition, knowing that you can skip the learning curve your competition faces when building for multiple platforms.
If you're an individual you may use Delphi Community Edition to create apps for your own use and apps that you can sell until your revenue reaches $5,000 per year.
If you're a small company or organization without revenue (or up to $5,000 per year in revenue), you can also use the Delphi Community Edition. Once your company's total revenue reaches US $5,000, or your team expands to more than 5 developers, you can move up to an unrestricted commercial license with Professional edition.
See the Community Edition FAQs for additional details.
Delphi is available in Community, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions. For details on the differences between the editions, see the Product Editions page and Feature Matrix. Move up to the Professional edition or above to get additional features including components and drivers for database connectivity, a full commercial development license, and much more.